
쫌 심했는데?

@Teal.Han 2025. 1. 23. 19:34
쫌 심한데, 너무 했는데?

That was intense

That was a bit much

That went too far

That was over the top

That was a little harsh

That was extreme

a little too~, 약간 너무~하다 

It's a little too much.  

She's a little too sexy.

He's a little too old for you.

The apartment was a little too big for living alone.

The weather was a little too chilly for a stroll.


all over 전부 다

Spread the jam all over the toast.

There was water all over the floor.

She rode all over the country.

Her left leg has been infected all over. 

He will display his pieces all over the park.


all day long, 하루종일

He slept all day long.

She cried all day long.

They ate all day long. 

We spent time together all day long.

I studied all day long with only 3 days left before the exam.