도망자, 난민, 망명자/ terr...영어/Word 2024. 5. 1. 20:06
▪ fugitive
: who is fleeing or trying to escape from the law or some form of authority. Running away to avoid arrest and legal consequences; negative outcomes
▪ refugee
: who has been forced to flee their home country due to persecution, war, or violence. They have a well-founded fear of persecution based on factors such as race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Seek safety and protection in another country and may not be able to return to their home country due to the risk of harm.
▪ asylum-seeker
: who has fled their home country and applied for asylum (protection) in another country but has not yet been granted refugee status.
: who are seeking international protection because they fear persecution in their home country. Their asylum claim is under review, and the decision will determine whether they are granted refugee status. If granted asylum, an asylum-seeker becomes a refugee.
terror: 극심한 두려움, 공포(의 대상),협박,위협.
terrible: 끔찍한 심한
terrify: 무섭게하다. 두렵게하다. -fier: -하는사람
terrific: 아주좋은 멋진 훌륭한 끝내주는 엄청난 terrifically: adv.
are all derived from the Latin word ‘terrere’ which means ‘to frighten’. Over time, these words have evolved to have different meanings based on their prefixes and context.
‘Terrific’ originally meant ‘causing terror’ or ‘frightening’ but its meaning shifted to ‘extraordinarily good’ or ‘excellent’ in the early 20th century. This change in meaning is thought to have been influenced by the word "terrific" being used in a more positive context in colloquial language. So, while these words may look similar, their meanings have diverged over time due to changes in language usage and context. Mostly connotation.